Session Description: Effective library media programs should provide an inviting, accessible and stimulating environments. This can be a challenge on a limited budget with little or no physical resources to begin. Or are we looking at what we have in the most creative ways? Upcycling is the process of re-purposing items into more interesting or creative uses. This session will give an overview of space planning, designing, and creating with less. Numerous examples provided to add excitement.
Presented at AASL Annual Conference in Columbus, Ohio, November 2015.
Session Description: Stressed about your LMS evaluation? Discover methods to improve the evaluation process. Learn to determine evaluation questions that support strategic goals, to identify types and sources of evidence needed to create data driven metrics that measure success and demonstrate the accomplishments of your media program. Be prepared to education your admin about the value of your program through the evaluation process.
Presented at FAME Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, October 2015. Share Documents are found here.
Often in education, we feel a lack of connectivity with like minded individuals. Where do we find new ideas and innovation? In this workshop, learn how to set up your twitter account to participate in micro-blogging Personal Learning Networks. We will explore what data should be included in your profile, who to follow, the art of the hashtag and other relevant information to beginning to build new connections. Find the value in self-guided learning. Presented at Parkway Technology Conference, Kissimmee, Florida. August 11, 2015. Leadership Series. Presented at NSU—Tampa, FL on January 30, 2016. Description:
Everyday, we have a responsibility to convey the value in our programs for administrators that may or may not be aware how to evaluate a media specialist or a media program effectively. In this workshop, manage and collate data for background formation and goal planning to create action plans that lead to future stats. We will explore what data should be included in an infographic and what is considered valid and reliable stats.. Learn how to design infographics with online inforgraphic makers. During this hands-on session we will employ piktochart.com and easel.ly. Find the value in your program through infographics. Presented to Marion County Media Specialists on January 30, 2015. Description:
What if your library media center could be as engaging and addictive as Candy Crush or Minecraft? In this workshop, discover how to flip the media program and make “fun the new responsible” by applying game mechanics to non-game processes in your media program. We will explore how we can use game mechanics to facilitate more engaging and inspiring learning experiences for our students. Learn how to design tasks, stimulate and retain interest, monitor positive attitudes and provide a nurturing environment. View successful example implementations of gamification in a media center program and discuss outcomes. During this hands-on session we will employ game mechanics so that the participants may engage in a gamified experience. Learn your game personality and create engagement to develop “the strongest players on the server,” the autonomous learner. Presented at FAME Annual Conference in Orlando, FL in October 2014. Presented to Osceola County Media Specialists District Meeting on October 22, 2014. Originally mis-titled in the conference program as Making Common Core Connections for Collaboration, this presentation demonstrates ways to make lasting connections with teachers that lead to collaborative lessons.
Presented at FAME Annual Conference in Orlando, FL on November 22, 2013. Session Description:
Effective library media programs should provide an inviting, accessible and stimulating environment. How can the media center be designed in order to inspire creativity, create spaces for play, provide spaces in which to socialize, facilitate learning activities in small group and class group settings, generate interaction between the different media, encourage reading, and promote a sense of wonder? This session will give an overview of space planning, designing a theme, and creating decorations with limited resources to promote the theme. Slide show of ideas will also be presented. Presented at FAME Annual Conference in Orlando, FL, November 22, 2013. Session Description:
In a time of budget cuts and smaller staffs, how can we promote reading in our schools? How do we enlist the help of teachers and give them the tools necessary to be successful? Learn about a successful professional development program for teachers entitled, "Authors, Books, and Coffee" that turned participating teachers into an effective Reader's Advisory Group. A sample session will be provided with links to a website with the materials of the program available online. In addition, examples of follow up support will be discussed. Testimonials of teacher participants who modified their style of reading motivation and book talking based on this program will also be shared. Presented at FAME Annual Conference in Orlando, FL November 2013. Presented to Indian River Media Specialists on March 31, 2016. Pathfinders are simple guides, often referred to as LibGuides to help students begin the process of research.
Copyright 2021 Vandy Pacetti-Donelson